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The Keyword [ Law,Social Science ] Found 7 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9789390259526Indian Police: A Critical EvaluationEBVerma, ArvindRs 10495.002021
9789354618284Juvenile Justice: An Indian ScenarioEBBhattacharyya, SunilRs 7995.002024
9788186030097Reformative Law and Social Justice in Indian SocietyHBGobind, Kashyap BalRs 2495.001995
9789354618611Reformative Law and Social Justice in Indian SocietyEBGobind, Kashyap BalRs 8795.002024
9788189233594Sezs: Massacre of Human Rights with Special Reference to Singur and NandigramHBJai, Janak Raj & RajRs 1295.002007
9788187498667Social Defence: An Indian PerspectiveHBBhattacharyya, SunilRs 1995.002003
9788186030080Suicide: Some ReflectionsHBKusumRs 995.001995
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