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The Keyword [ Human Right,Law ] Found 9 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9789359199412Conventional Methods in Unconventional Wars TerrorismEBAnupam TyagiRs 7695.002025
9789354618048Degeneration of Future Generations!EBSukh, ShammiRs 3395.002024
9789359195445Human Rights: Issues and PerspectivesEBJawahar L KaulRs 9295.002025
9789359191423Human Rights: Issues and PerspectivesHBJawahar L KaulRs 0.002024
9788186030172Human Rights: Issues and PerspectivesHBJawahar L KaulRs 1295.002023
9788187498889Manual of International Humanitarian LawsHBNaorem SanajaobaRs 4995.002004
9788189233006Manual of International Humanitarian LawsPBNaorem SanajaobaRs 700.002004
9789354618581Manual of International Humanitarian LawsEBNaorem SanajaobaRs 27995.002024
9789359194431Sezs: Massacre of Human Rights with Special Reference to Singur and NandigramEBJai, Janak Raj, RajiRs 5595.002025
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