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The Keyword [ History,Political Science ] Found 8 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9788186030127Glimpses of Indian National Congress: From Inception to Attainment of Freedom (1885-1947)HBKundra, T NRs 1495.001996
9789359196688Glimpses of Indian National Congress: From Inception to Attainment of Freedom (1885-1947)EBT N KundraRs 6395.002025
9789354618093Nationhood and Statehood in India: A Historical SurveyEBMukherjee, B NRs 3395.002024
9788187498261Nationhood and Statehood in India: A Historical SurveyPBMukherjee, B NRs 795.002025
9789359195193Presidents of India: 1950-2003 2nd EdnEBJanak Raj JaiRs 12595.002025
9788187498650Presidents of India: 1950-2003 2nd EdnHBJai, Janak RajRs 3995.002003
9789359195216Rise and Fall of Deve Gowda and the Constitutional BreakdownEBJanak Raj JaiRs 6095.002025
9788186030479Rise and Fall of Deve Gowda and the Constitutional BreakdownHBJai, Janak RajRs 1495.001997
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