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About the Book This is the third volume in the three volume series on Society and Economy in North- East India. The first volume covered the pre- colonial period up to the 13 Century and the second volume brought the studies to the 18th century. This third volume focuses on the social and economic developments in North- East India in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributions to this volume have covered a wide range of subjects in the context of society and economy in the region. The volume has thus tried to put together hitherto scattered studies on aspects like trade and markets, migrations, the imperatives of colonial policies and the social impact of the various economic processes in North-East India. The academic value of this study has to be seen in the light of the fact that there are numerous tribes and communities in India's North East who are at various stages of social and economic development and studies on many of them are still wanting or have remained obscure. Until and unless well researched historical studies on such tribes and communities are carried out the comprehension of the problems and prospects of India's North East will remain flawed. This volume has thus tried to set this process going by inviting attention to the myriad of issues which need continuous and deeply researched interest. The book should therefore be useful and of interest to students, the academia and also policy makers.